OTS Üzleti Sajtószolgálat
2024. május 20. hétfő
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2019. július 16., kedd 15:44

MCI's European Doctoral Program successfully confirmed
    Innsbruck, 16 July, 2019 (APA/OTS) - Successful registration at AQ Austria reflects program quality - First Executive PhD Program in Austria - Cooperation between the Entrepreneurial School®, the University of Antwerp and the Antwerp Management School - Next start of studies 6th November 2019

    Success for the new MCI Executive PhD Program. Recently confirmed by the AQ (Agentur für Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung Austria), the doctoral program runs in cooperation with the University of Antwerp and the Antwerp Management School. Thus, the MCI as an Entrepreneurial School® moves up from being an organizer to a full content provider in this consortium. The registration of the international program follows an extensive audit, which certifies that the Executive PhD Program is of the very highest quality in teaching as well as in organization and infrastructure.

The four-year doctoral program will start with its third cohort in fall 2019. It is aimed at experienced, internationally active executives and managers who wish to apply state-of-the-art research knowledge and academic expertise to complex managerial and economic issues. In the course of the doctoral program, they will pursue practically relevant objectives with academic rigour: They will identify scientifically intriguing issues, design relevant research questions and then be tasked with solving them independently. At the core of the program is the development of a doctoral dissertation, which is to be successfully defended at the University of Antwerp. Doctoral students from the first year share very positive experiences: "A first-class program that combines state-of-the-art science with economic relevance and can be perfectly integrated into life and career planning".

Markus Kittler, Academic Director of the program, experienced in coordinating doctoral studies and well connected in international higher education, is closely familiar with the expectations of doctoral programs. He is delighted with this recent development: "The registration resonates with the strengths of our program. Our English-language PhD program is internationally oriented; we receive applications from all parts of the world as well as from a wide variety of professional fields. Our students - well supported by us - delve deeply into their own research topics and benefit from the regular exchange of ideas in their doctoral peer group".

Susanne E. Herzog, Head of MCI Executive Education, adds, "The Executive PhD Program closes a gap in the MCI's academic portfolio and rounds off our extensive program in research, studies, continuing education and technology transfer. The students in our PhD program combine valuable professional experience, cultural diversity and ultimately the ambition to make a difference with their research work by creating an entrepreneurial and societal impact."

Pictures please find here: https://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20190716_OTS0099

Advice and registration: Michaela Krauss, michaela.krauss@mci.edu, Tel. +43 (0) 512 2070-2121

Photos & further information

Press contact: Ulrike Fuchs, ulrike.fuchs@mci.edu, Tel. +43 (0) 512 2070-1527


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