OTS Üzleti Sajtószolgálat
2024. május 1. szerda
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2021. január 7., csütörtök 13:07

COVID-19: Use rapid tests to identify important biomarkers and predict the course of the disease.
    Moers, Germany, 7 January, 2021 (APA/OTS) - Whether it's a lung embolism or a heart attack - an infection with coronavirus can have life-threatening consequences. But how badly will different patients be affected by COVID-19? This can be determined by certain biomarkers. nal von minden GmbH's biomarker rapid tests from Germany deliver reliable results in just 15 minutes.

    An infection with coronavirus can run different courses. Some of those affected display no symptoms, whereas in other patients the course of the disease can be so severe that for some it is even fatal. Biomarkers serve as a quantifiable indicator for the presence and severity of an infection. They can be identified and evaluated using a blood sample.

Studies have shown that the following biomarkers in particular play an important role in the prognosis of an infection with COVID-19: D-Dimer and troponin as well as C-reactive protein and the inflammatory marker procalcitonin. Raised D-Dimer levels are associated with deep vein thrombosis or a lung embolism, whereas elevated troponin levels indicate heart damage. Raised inflammatory markers have been identified in patients who have died.

nal von minden GmbH has developed rapid tests for the most important biomarkers which can be carried out onsite. Reliable results are available after just 15 minutes. "The faster important biomarkers are determined, the sooner the correct - and potentially life-saving  - treatment measures can be implemented", says Roland Meißner, CEO of nal von minden GmbH. If blood samples need to be sent to an external laboratory for testing, hours or even days can be lost.

The biomarker rapid tests are suitable for both hospital emergency rooms and GP practices, where they serve to quickly clarify the health status of a patient infected with coronavirus. Results can immediately be discussed with the patient.

Roland Meißner: "We don't view our tests as being in competition with laboratories, but rather as a valuable addition since laboratories are already overburdened. In the interests of patients, a decision regarding treatment must be made quickly."

Press contact: Gabriele Hellwig, +49 40 38 66 24 80, info@hellwig-pr.de


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