OTS Üzleti Sajtószolgálat
2024. május 6. hétfő
Az Üzleti Sajtószolgálat (Original Text Service - OTS) üzleti vállakozások, cégek, intézmények közleményeit, tájékoztatóit, meghívóit, állásfoglalásait közli. Szolgáltatásunk segítségével több mint 2000 újságírót és kommunikációs szakembert érhet el könnyen, gyorsan és költséghatékonyan – az Ön által megfogalmazott sajtóközleményt változtatás nélkül juttatjuk el az MTI-előfizetők szerkesztőségi rendszerébe vagy igény szerint akár a külföldi sajtóhoz is. (Az OTS anyagai nem képezik az MTI-kiadás részét, a szó szerint továbbított szövegekért minden esetben a közlő a felelős.)

2013. május 13., hétfő 13:50

Market report: Global E-Invoice/E-Bill volume to achieve around 20 billion
    Wil, Switzerland 13 May 2013 (APA/OTS) - In comparison with paper-based processes, electronic invoice handling processes make it possible to reduce costs by 50-80%. Investments in electronic invoice processing can therefore often be gained back within 6 months.

    Many companies are already using electronic processes. In 2013 around 20 billion bills/invoices globally and 5.5 billion invoices in Europe are likely to be sent and archived paper-free.

    The high level of debt of the public sector means that this segment must automate its processes and sustainably reduce costs. The optimisation potential of the public sector in Europe alone is likely to amount to at least 40 billion Euro.

    More and more customers expect invoices from their suppliers in electronic form. Therefore, sustainable rates of growth of 20-30% are expected for the electronic invoice market in the coming years.

    Because of the attractiveness of this market, several hundred service providers and software houses offer their solutions for E-Invoicing. There is therefore no lack of offers. Rather, users are now looking for all-encompassing information on the topic. A new market report is provided as help for companies which want to choose the best model for themselves and find a suitable solution. The author is the international market analyst, Bruno Koch of Billentis.

    The report should support invoice senders and receivers who want to replace expensive and paper-bound invoice processes with modern and automated processes. It includes the most important numbers and information about the market. Besides facts about market development and relevant initiatives (standards, laws), the reader will also find qualitative analyses and many details about several solutions offers.

The report is available free of charge:

Bruno Koch
E-Mail: pr3@billentis.com
Phone: +41/71/911'60'32
(Media contact valid until end of 2013)


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